Afterimage Seeks Works of Ekphrasis for “Inklight”

Write Pieces Inspired by Pieces in a Gallery

Submit writing to “Inklight,” a meeting place of creative writing and photography published on the web site ofAfterimage: The Journal of Media Arts and Cultural Criticism published at Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, New York. For this unique project, photographers submit original work, which is selected to be posted on theAfterimage web site. Writers then submit original creative writing inspired by one of the images on the web site (engaging in the process of ekphrasis). New “Inklight” features will be posted on our web site regularly and archived indefinitely.
The selection of photographs on the web site is augmented often and we accept writing on an ongoing basis. For the current selection of photographs, please visit: Submit ONE piece of writing (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction) of up to 750 words or 25 short lines as a Word document email attachment with “Inklight Writing” in the subject line, and include in your email the title and name of the artist of the work you are responding to. No critical responses, please.
Authors of writing that is chosen for publication on our web site will be notified 2-3 weeks after submission. In the case of multiple submissions, we will choose one of the written works, which will be published along with the original photograph on the Afterimage website. Please do not contact the journal about the status of your writing submission, as we do not have the staffing to manage such inquiries (thank you).
Our project’s web page, and examples of previous works can be found here:
Please consider submitting your own work as well as passing this information on to fellow poets and prose writers.