Illinois State University’s Word’s Worth Conference

Illinois State University’s English Studies Program has announced a call for proposals for their 2016 graduate student Word’s Worth Conference: Hum(Animals).

The conference encourages a broad ranges of proposals specifically in the field of English Literature, but they also encourage creative writing submissions! Word’s Worth is configured as an early graduate student conference, so first year students are highly encouraged to apply!

Conference presentations follow a “long panel” format that provides 25 minutes for each presenter (typically 15 minutes to present followed by 10 minutes for questions).  We accept proposals for individual and panel formats:

  • 25-minute individual presentation (includes time for questions)
  • 50-minute panel presentation (2-4 presenters)
  • 75-minute panel presentation (3-5 presenters)

The deadline for applications is February 1st, next Monday! Submissions need a brief biography for each presenter (max 150 words) and an abstract for the presentation (max 250 words for single presentation, 500 words for panel). Find out more on the conference website or call for proposals and submit online here.
