Spring Conference

Each Spring Quarter, DePaul graduate and undergraduate students are invited to submit their creative writing and literary studies work to an on-campus, student-run conference. In previous years, this conference has been sponsored by the English Graduate Student Association. Beginning in 2013, the Spring Conference will be hosted by the DePaul English Department, and submissions will be open to DePaul students of any major.

The 2013 Spring English Conference will take place on the afternoon of Friday, May 3rd at Arts & Letters Hall (2315 N. Kenmore Ave). Submissions are due on April 2nd.

Please see the links listed below for information on the following:

Stay tuned to Ex Libris for more information about time, panels, and the keynote speaker.

If you have any questions about the Spring English Conference, send an email to depaulenglishconference2013@gmail.com.