Join Us TOMORROW: A reading and conversation with poet DANEZ SMITH, May 19th

On Zoom, Wednesday, May 19th at 3PM-4PM. 

Please join the LGBTQ Studies program and the graduate program in Writing and Publishing for MAKING THE WORLD MORE BEARABLE: A reading and conversation with poet Danez Smith. This hour with Danez Smith is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. The poet will be interviewed by two DePaul students: Dahryl Covington and ShelLean Beasely

Danez Smith is a Black, Queer, Poz writer & performer from St. Paul, MN. Danez is the author of Homie (Graywolf 2020), Don’t Call Us Dead (Graywolf Press, 2017), and Black Movie (Button Poetry, 2015). They also wrote [insert] boy (YesYes Books, 2014), winner of the Kate Tufts Discovery Award and the Lambda Literary Award for Gay Poetry. Hope to see you there!

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