Thin Air Magazine is Now Accepting Submissions for Their 29th Issue: home·land

Thin Air Magazine, Northern Arizona University’s MFA-run literary journal, is calling for submissions for their Spring 2023 issue. Homeland is the theme at hand. In their own words:

What defines a ‘homeland’? For this issue, we want work that explores the complex and malleable nature of homes, lands, and all that they encompass. Thin Air is accepting submissions in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, with a particular interest in creative nonfiction work. In addition, we also seek writing that defies genre categorization and embraces hybridity. Our staff invites pieces that subvert Western understandings of time and space, as well as writing that explores (de)colonization, displacement, and the complications of belonging.

Our Thin Air team wants writers who are conscious of their position relative to land and to beings–human and otherwise. We encourage submissions from those who are concerned with borders–or lack thereof–and the interconnection of ecologies. In our upcoming issue, we hope to create a space for those who are unafraid to engage with and push back against the typical definition of what constitutes a ‘homeland’.

Our print issue–published annually each spring–will accept submissions until this fall deadline, but our website, Thin Air Online, accepts and publishes work year round.

Thin Air invites all writers, emerging and established alike, to submit to our Spring 2023 issue. We accept fiction and creative nonfiction up to 3,000 words as well as poetry submissions containing up to five poems via our Submittable page. Is the landscape of your piece one which we’ve never seen before? Send us your most resilient work, something that will survive above 7,000 feet–we’re excited to read it.


Thin Air Staff

If you’d like to submit your work: Submittable

Or, if you’re just interested in reading, check out their site: Thin Air Magazine