New Course Update: ENG 484 Writing Workshop- The Spoken Word

Writing Workshop: The Spoken Word
Wednesday 6:00-9:15
In Person with professor Tara Betts

When we hear the term spoken word, people often think of poetry slams, open mics, images of the Black Arts Movement, Beat Poets, and coffee houses. Now, that image has expanded to include television shows like “Def Poetry Jam,” “Verses & Flow,” BET’s “Lyric Café,” YouTube videos, Instagram poets, TED talks, and storytelling events like The Moth. In this course, students would engage with spoken word and performance poetry in various venues, including the page and stage. We will read, listen to, and watch poems emerging from these traditions, study the history of this work, and relate that to contemporary finished print works of poetry, fiction, nonfiction, and perhaps movies and TV shows. As a class, we will engage in the regular, consistent practice of writing our own poems, prose poems, prose, and monologues. Students will also be asked to memorize at least 1-2 poems and encouraged to share in a class reading or at a venue in 1-2 field trips. The class may also include guest visiting poets. Due to the variety of activity and our brief time together, consistent attendance is mandatory.