The Missouri Review 2021 Miller Audio Prize

Audio Contest: Submit Recordings of Your Work!

In this 14th year of the Miller Audio Contest, The Missouri Review is excited to announce a reimagining of the competition: the contest is now open year-round and 12 finalists from each of our four categories will be featured throughout 2021 on the new Miller Aud-Cast.  At the end of 2021, one winner from among the 12 featured finalists in each category will be awarded $1000.  

There are a range of entry fees, all of which guarantee a one-year digital subscription to TMR, and each of which may be considered for publication in the Miller Aud-cast. They are seeking recordings of prose, poetry, audio documentary, and comedy of no more than 15 minutes. 

Note: previously published and broadcast pieces are valid for entry. Tell your friends!